Medieval wars in the Duchy of Schleswig 1410 to 1432

and the quest for the Nordic Countries

Nick B. Svendsen

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Beschreibung zu „Medieval wars in the Duchy of Schleswig 1410 to 1432“

King Erik VII of Pomerania (1382 -1459) ruled over a vast area, the Nordic Union, which included the kingdoms of Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Norway, Iceland and Greenland. The union was later named the Kalmar Union. Erik of Pomerania conducted two wars for the quest of the duchy Schleswig against the Holstein Counts. He was not successful and in the end the nobilities in his countries expelled him.

The book is for the readers interested in medieval history and the conflicts of that time. Literature about the contemporary European rivalries is extensive especially the -100 Years War- but when it comes to the conflicts of the Scandinavian countries, books in English are more limited. In many aspects the Scandinavian conflicts are similar to the rivalry between England and France.

This book will remedy some of this shortage.


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