Nora and Nia

They play, they visit grandfather and they even help wash baby goats!

Neema Penuel

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Beschreibung zu „Nora and Nia“

A united nations member states committee debate in October 2019 noted the importance of fostering stable families and promotion of its role in social protection of youth and the vulnerable in many countries. The family was noted to help societies be more inclusive. The debate also noted that balancing work and family remained a challenge for many families in Europe. The Biblical perspective says God made the first family to ever exist and placed them in a good environment. His actions shows that He wills wellness for the family. Nora and Nia is therefore a creative family book. It is written to be read and hopefully be an inspiration in helping foster stability in families while supporting it in playing its vital role in social inclusion. Through integration of healthy stabilizing values like play, creativity, work and godly bible training in daily routines, I hope you and your family will enjoy reading it.


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