The Second String

Nat Gould

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Beschreibung zu „The Second String“

Nat Gould's novel, 'The Second String', is a captivating story set in the world of horse racing, complete with themes of rivalry, determination, and redemption. The book is written in a straightforward and engaging style, typical of Gould's popular sports fiction. The narrative unfolds with vivid descriptions of the racetrack ambiance, creating an immersive reading experience for the audience. The characters are well-developed, each with their own motivations and conflicts, adding depth to the plot. Gould's emphasis on resilience and perseverance resonates throughout the story, making it a timeless piece of literature in the sports fiction genre. 'The Second String' is a classic example of Gould's ability to combine thrilling sports action with heartfelt emotions, making it a must-read for fans of horse racing and sports fiction enthusiasts alike.


Good Press




ca. 205





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