
The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago

Mrs. Oliphant

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Beschreibung zu „Kirsteen“

Mrs. Oliphant's novel, Kirsteen, is a compelling tale of a young Scottish woman navigating life in the 19th century. The book is written in a realistic and detailed style, typical of Oliphant's work, which immerses the reader in the everyday struggles and triumphs of the characters. Set against the backdrop of industrial revolution-era Scotland, Kirsteen explores themes of class, gender, and societal expectations. The narrative is rich in historical details, providing a fascinating insight into the social dynamics of the time. Mrs. Oliphant's keen observation and empathy shine through in her characterization, making Kirsteen a relatable and poignant read. Fans of Victorian literature will appreciate the deep psychological insights and moral dilemmas presented in this thought-provoking novel. Mrs. Oliphant, a prolific author of her time, drew inspiration from her own experiences and observations of society to create a story that remains relevant and engaging even today. Kirsteen is a must-read for those interested in classic literature and historical fiction, offering a glimpse into the complexities of human relationships and societal norms.


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