The Young Housekeeper's Friend

Revised and Enlarged

Mrs. Cornelius

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Beschreibung zu „The Young Housekeeper's Friend“

In 'The Young Housekeeper's Friend' by Mrs. Cornelius, readers are guided through a comprehensive manual on household management and domestic duties. Written in a clear and accessible style, this book serves as a valuable resource for young women learning the ins and outs of maintaining a home in the 19th century. Mrs. Cornelius provides practical advice on cleaning, cooking, and organizing, reflecting the societal expectations placed on women during this time period. The book also includes tips on frugality and self-improvement, highlighting the importance of thrift and personal development in the home. Mrs. Cornelius, a pseudonymous author, likely drew on her own experiences as a homemaker to write 'The Young Housekeeper's Friend.' Her attention to detail and emphasis on practicality suggest a deep understanding of the challenges faced by young housekeepers of the era. This book stands as a testament to the importance of domestic skills and the role of women in maintaining a well-run household. I highly recommend 'The Young Housekeeper's Friend' to readers interested in domestic history, gender studies, and 19th-century literature. Mrs. Cornelius' insights and advice provide valuable insight into the daily lives of women in the past, making this book a fascinating and educational read.


Good Press




ca. 255





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