The unconscious : The fundamentals of human personality, normal and abnormal

Morton Prince

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Beschreibung zu „The unconscious : The fundamentals of human personality, normal and abnormal“

Morton Prince's 'The unconscious : The fundamentals of human personality, normal and abnormal' delves deep into the complexities of the human mind, exploring the unconscious processes that shape our personalities. Prince's scholarly approach to dissecting the unconscious mind is evident in his meticulous examination of both normal and abnormal aspects of human behavior. Drawing from psychology, philosophy, and literature, Prince's writing style is both insightful and engaging, making this book a valuable contribution to the study of human psychology. Set in the late 19th century, the book reflects the backdrop of emerging psychological theories and the growing interest in the workings of the human mind. Prince's thorough analysis of the unconscious mind provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of fundamental psychological concepts that continue to influence contemporary psychoanalysis and therapy. Morton Prince's expertise as a physician and psychologist informs his exploration of the unconscious mind in 'The unconscious'. Prince's in-depth knowledge and research in the field of psychology are evident in the detailed analysis presented in the book, offering readers a thought-provoking insight into the depths of human personality. 'The unconscious' is recommended to readers interested in psychology, psychoanalysis, and the complexities of the human mind, as it provides a compelling exploration of the unconscious processes that shape human behavior.


Good Press




ca. 486





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