Business Purpose Design

An essential guide for human-centric and holistic businesses

Christian Solmecke Steffan Heuer Curt Simon Harlinghausen Monika Smith Martin Sinner Philip Siefer Shermin Voshmgir Scot Carlson; Don Spampinato Friedericke Rode Daniel Heltzel; Maren Beverung; Katharina Zwielich

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Beschreibung zu „Business Purpose Design“

Business Purpose Design is an essential guide for a human-centric and holistic purpose for businesses.

Discontinuity, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity are driving forces of our world. Entire markets, industries, departments, and specialist areas interact and correlate with each other - unplanned and open-ended.

In our world, orientation and a common driver is key to navigate, to distinguish relevant information from irrelevant, to take decisions and lead companies to create a positive future.

Together with 32 outstanding personalities, from thought leaders, executives, founders, designers, and scientists, Monika looks at the 30 most relevant topics für purpose entrepreneurship.

Many examples, trend outlooks, and conceptional images inspire new thoughts and ideas - and reassure existing developments.

Furthermore, takeaways for every topic offer a hands-on guide to act right away. With the Business Purpose Design model, organizations of any size can design, build, and grow their business towards becoming impact-driven.

It provides a toolkit, and over 90 practical tips to design or and implement purpose within an organization right away.

It allows for many perspectives. Co-created by over 32 practitioners from 30 disciplines.

Illustrated with a critical eye by one of Europe's most sophisticated graphic-recording duo.

Specially designed for executives, consultants, entrepreneurs, coaches, managers, designers and leaders of all types of organizations.

Über Christian Solmecke

Rechtsanwalt Christian Solmecke, LL.M. (IT-Recht), Jahrgang 1973, hat an den Universitäten Bochum, Köln, Hannover und Leuven (Belgien) Jura studiert. Er betreut zahlreiche Medienschaffende und Web 2.0 Plattformen. Solmecke vertritt ebenfalls tausende Filesharer, die von der Medienindustrie abgemahnt worden sind. Neben seiner Kanzleitätigkeit ist Christian Solmecke auch Geschäftsführer des Deutschen Instituts für Kommunikation und Recht im Internet (DIKRI) an der Cologne Business School ( Dort beschäftigt er sich insbesondere mit den Rechtsfragen in Sozialen Netzen. Er ist Lehrbeauftragter der FH Köln für Social Media & Recht. Vor seiner Tätigkeit als Anwalt arbeitete Solmecke mehrere Jahre als Journalist für den Westdeutschen Rundfunk und andere Medien.


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