You are not alone

DIAGNOSIS: BREAST CANCER - A guidebook for persons affected

Mona Elzayat

Gesundheit & Ernährung

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Beschreibung zu „You are not alone“

Diagnosis breast cancer – now what? Suddenly everything has changed – the diagnosis breast cancer pulls the rugout from under thousands of women and increasingly many men as well. The first reactions are shock and fear. Many people have no idea how to cope with the strain that such a diagnosis brings with it. Along with the mountain of emotions which must be dealt with in such a situation, the patients find themselves challenged to take the right steps for receiving optimal treatment: turn to someone you can trust – but to whom? This book would like to guide patients and those close to them on their journey out of this disease. It is not only clear answers to all questions concerning diagnosis, finding and treatment that help, but also narratives from the experience of breast cancer patients and expert opinions of renowned researchers and physicians concerning the treatment and curing of breast cancer that give competent information.


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