Celebrate Your Body

A Guide to a More Balanced Life

Mishayla Spendlove

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Beschreibung zu „Celebrate Your Body“

When it comes to health, fitness and lifestyle, we can ALL use a little guidance and motivation. This book is designed to be just that! In this easy to read book you get guidance, information and motivation from a personal trainer and transformation coach. Someone who has made the changes herself and understands the ups and downs of yo-yo dieting and hopping on and off the wagon when it comes to working out, eating right and making less than ideal lifestyle choices.
This book covers your honest questions like, 'can I have alcohol while on a diet program', 'what is Gluten exactly?' and 'Why is self-love so important?' She also dives into how social media is affecting our lives and how certain behaviors can be straining our mental AND physical health.
With this self-exploratory guide, the hope is to help you gain the courage & confidence to make the necessary changes to be able to celebrate your own body!






ca. 68





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