Changing Faith

Questions, Doubts and Choices About an Unchanging God

Michael Hidalgo

Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „Changing Faith“

A friend of mine told me recently, "There are so many things I am not comfortable with claiming as 100% true, but I cannot say they are 100% false either." It hasn't always been this way for him. Most of his life he believed he had all the answers to any and all of life's difficult questions.He continued, "I do not know what is ahead, but I do know I cannot and will not go back to the faith I have clung to for decades. I am done with it." This was not his declaration of being done with faith, but his recognition that faith had to change. He was going through a change of faith. Many of us are grappling with similar questions. How much can we actually know about God and our world? Who decides what is right and what is wrong? Are right and wrong even the best categories for our world anymore? Whose "truth" is really true? Do I need God to live a life that matters?We have questions not because we reject faith in God, but because we live in a rapidly changing world of new realities, new technology and new insights that demand new answers. And that changes how we believe.






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