A Farewell to the Earth and Kepler-438b: A Noveramatry

Mehdi Ghasemi

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Beschreibung zu „A Farewell to the Earth and Kepler-438b: A Noveramatry“

A Farewell to the Earth and Kepler-438b: A Noveramatry (a combination of novel, drama and poetry all in one line) is a dystopian fiction which offers a different vision of the earth's near future. It depicts the cataclysmic decline, sociopolitical dysfunction and environmental ruin of the earth, worse than it has ever been in human history. In such a dreadful climate, some influential wealthy persons and families decide to escape the earth and move to Kepler-438b. The noveramatry challenges world leaders, politicians, tycoons and readers and makes them ponder on the current status of our planet. It also warns them of the serious consequences of their decisions and actions.


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