The Child Wife

Mayne Reid

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Beschreibung zu „The Child Wife“

Mayne Reid's 'The Child Wife' is a captivating tale of love, betrayal, and redemption set in the American West. Written in a vivid and descriptive style, the novel brings to life the rugged landscape and complex characters that populate Reid's work. The novel's themes of loyalty, resilience, and the struggle for survival make it a timeless piece of Western literature, appealing to readers interested in the genre's rich history. Reid's inclusion of detailed descriptions of frontier life and the challenges faced by women in this harsh environment adds depth to the narrative and gives readers a glimpse into the realities of the era. The lyrical prose and engaging plot make 'The Child Wife' a must-read for anyone looking to immerse themselves in the world of the American West and experience the highs and lows of love and loss in this rugged landscape.


Good Press




ca. 352





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