Arlette and his shadow

Max du Veuzit

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Beschreibung zu „Arlette and his shadow“

To avoid her father-in-law's assiduity, Arlette Dalimours left her province to live alone in Paris. Faced with the inheritance of a very rich aunt on her wedding day - this is a clause in her original parent's will - Arlette enters into a "white" union with a man much older than her, in return for a pension she will pay him. Arlette thus became Mrs. Lussan, but her husband suddenly died a year later "for fun" without the spouses having been able to see each other again.

When, later, Arlette meets a young man, Pierre, who loves her and whom she loves, she won't dare admit to him the deceit of her marriage with Mr. Lussan. And this Pierre - she will soon learn - is none other than her first husband's nephew..... Will he be her second husband? But there are tricks that cost their authors dearly....


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