Arsène Lupin in the Teeth of the Tiger

Maurice Leblanc

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Beschreibung zu „Arsène Lupin in the Teeth of the Tiger“

Another action-packed mystery by Maurice LeBlanc! This story has to do with the final Will of a man named Mornington, who, in the year 1900, left behind the sum of $400 million francs. Of that, three-fourths went to his adopted country - which left $100 million francs to be distributed to his heirs.

The executor of the estate was Mornington's friend, Don Luis Perenna (AKA Arsene Lupin). The problem, however, was that no one knew where (or even who) some of the heirs were. If no heirs were to be found within 3 months, the entire $100 million francs would go to Perenna. And Perenna/Lupin had a reputation as being something of a rogue. It is definitely a race against time, as the heirs seem to be turning up dead at an alarming rate.

Über Maurice Leblanc

Maurice Leblanc (1864-1941) creó Arsène Lupin en 1905 como protagonista de un cuento para una revista francesa. Hasta entonces, Leblanc había estudiado derecho, trabajaba en la empresa familiar y había escrito algunos libros de poco éxito. Sin embargo, Lupin se convirtió en uno de los personajes más célebres de la literatura policíaca. Es un ladrón de guante blanco, culto y seductor, que roba a los malos. Es el protagonista de veinte novelas y relatos y sus aventuras lo han convertido también en héroe de películas y series para televisión. Para muchos, las historias de Arsène Lupin son la versión francesa de Sherlock Holmes.


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