Love and Lucy

Maurice Hewlett

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Beschreibung zu „Love and Lucy“

Maurice Hewlett's 'Love and Lucy' is a captivating novel set in the late 19th century, exploring the complexities of love, society, and duty. The book is written in a literary style that blends elements of romance, historical fiction, and social commentary. Hewlett skillfully weaves together a compelling narrative that delves into the inner lives of the characters while also providing a vivid portrayal of the time period. The book is a reflection of the shifting attitudes towards love and relationships during the Victorian era, making it a valuable piece of literature for understanding the social norms of the time. Hewlett's attention to detail and character development make 'Love and Lucy' a must-read for fans of historical fiction and romance novels. Readers will be drawn into the world of Lucy and her love interests, experiencing their struggles and triumphs in a way that feels both timeless and relevant.


Good Press




ca. 179





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