Lore of Proserpine

Maurice Hewlett

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Beschreibung zu „Lore of Proserpine“

Maurice Hewlett's 'Lore of Proserpine' is a captivating exploration of the ancient Roman myth of Proserpine (Persephone) and her descent into the underworld. Through a series of lyrical and vivid prose poems, Hewlett delves into the themes of love, loss, and transformation, drawing upon classical literature and symbolism to paint a rich and evocative portrait of the ancient tale. The book's literary style is characterized by its lush descriptions, intricate language, and profound emotional depth, making it a compelling read for fans of mythology and poetry alike. Set against the backdrop of the changing seasons and the eternal cycle of life and death, 'Lore of Proserpine' offers a fresh and imaginative retelling of a timeless myth. Maurice Hewlett, an accomplished poet and novelist, brings his deep knowledge of classical literature and mythology to bear in this exquisite work. Drawing upon his extensive research and poetic craftsmanship, Hewlett skillfully weaves together a narrative that is both intimate and universal, inviting readers to reflect on the enduring power of myth and the complexities of the human experience.


Good Press




ca. 174





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