Grace for the Children

Finding Hope in the Midst of Child and Adolescent Mental Illness

Matthew S. Stanford

Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „Grace for the Children“

The church's response to child and adolescent mental health disorders has too often been characterized by fear and misinformation rather than grace or wisdom. The result has been families that desperately need practical advice and pastoral care on these disorders, and on the thorny issues that often surround them.Psychologist Matthew Stanford has written Grace for the Children to educate Christians about a range of common child and adolescent mental health disorders, from both scientific and biblical perspectives. Based on DSM-5 diagnoses, this book covers

- autism spectrum disorder
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- disruptive behavior disorders
- depression
- bipolar disorders
- anxiety
- posttraumatic stress disorder
- obsessive compulsive and related disorders
- eating disordersThe church is uniquely positioned to offer things our mental health system often lacks: hope, a holistic view of human nature, accessible care, and supportive community. Grace for the Children is a call for the church to pick up this mantle and to offer grace to children and adolescents suffering from mental health disorders.






ca. 161





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