The Roof of France; Or, the Causses of the Lozère

Matilda Betham-Edwards

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Beschreibung zu „The Roof of France; Or, the Causses of the Lozère“

Matilda Betham-Edwards' 'The Roof of France; Or, the Causses of the Lozère' is a captivating exploration of the region of Lozère in France, focusing on its unique landscapes and cultural heritage. Written in a descriptive and engaging style, Betham-Edwards vividly portrays the rugged beauty of the Causses, providing readers with a deep understanding of the region's history and significance. The book serves as both a travelogue and a historical account, offering a comprehensive view of the area that will appeal to lovers of nature writing and cultural studies alike. The author's attention to detail and lyrical prose make this work a valuable resource for those interested in the lesser-known regions of France's countryside. As a pioneer of travel writing in the late 19th century, Betham-Edwards brings a keen observational eye to her subject matter, enriching the reader's experience with her expertise and passion for exploration. 'The Roof of France' is a must-read for anyone seeking to immerse themselves in the beauty and history of the Causses of the Lozère.


Good Press




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