The Pleasant Street Partnership

A Neighborhood Story

Mary Finley Leonard

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Beschreibung zu „The Pleasant Street Partnership“

Mary Finley Leonard's 'The Pleasant Street Partnership' is a captivating tale that delves into the complexities of friendship and community in a small New England town. Through her rich and vivid prose, Leonard masterfully weaves together the lives of a diverse group of characters who are brought together by their shared experiences on Pleasant Street. The book's literary style strikes a perfect balance between introspective narration and dialogues that bring the characters to life, creating a sense of intimacy and authenticity that draws the reader in. Set against the backdrop of the early 20th century, the novel offers a glimpse into the social and cultural dynamics of the time, as well as the universal themes of love, loss, and resilience. Mary Finley Leonard's keen insight into human relationships and emotions shines through in this heartfelt story, making it a compelling read for those who appreciate character-driven narratives and thought-provoking storytelling. 'The Pleasant Street Partnership' is a poignant and moving exploration of the ties that bind us and the power of community, making it a must-read for lovers of literary fiction.


Good Press




ca. 137





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