An Item Which the Editor Himself Could Not Understand

Mark Twain

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Beschreibung zu „An Item Which the Editor Himself Could Not Understand“

Our esteemed friend, Mr. John William Skae, of Virginia City, walked into the office where we are sub-editor at a late hour last night, with an expression of profound and heartfelt suffering upon his countenance, and, sighing heavily, laid the following item reverently upon the desk, and walked slowly out again. He paused a moment at the door, and seemed struggling to command his feelings sufficiently to enable him to speak, and then, nodding his head toward his manuscript, ejaculated in a broken voice, "Friend of mine – oh! how sad!" and burst into tears. We were so moved at his distress that we did not think to call him back and endeavor to comfort him until he was gone and it was too late. The paper had already gone to press, but knowing that our friend would consider the publication of this item important, and cherishing the hope that to print it would afford a melancholy satisfaction to his sorrowing heart, we stopped the press at once and inserted it in our columns…

Über Mark Twain

Mark Twain, seudónimo de Samuel Langhorne Clemens, nació en Florida, Missouri, en 1835. Pasó su infancia y adolescencia en Hannibal, a orillas del río Mississippi. En 1861 viajó a Nevada como secretario personal de su hermano, que acababa de ser nombrado secretario del gobernador. Más tarde, en San Francisco, trabajó en The Morning Call. En 1866 realizó un viaje de seis meses por las islas Hawai y al año siguiente embarcó hacia Europa. Resultado de este último viaje fue uno de sus primeros éxitos editoriales, Guía para viajeros inocentes, publicado en 1869. En 1876 publicó su segunda obra de gran éxito, Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer, y en 1885 la que los críticos consideran su mejor obra, Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn . Murió en 1910 en Redding, Connecticut.


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