Gun Street Girl

Mark Timlin


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Beschreibung zu „Gun Street Girl“

The Third Nick Sharman Thriller
It starts when Nick Sharman's eye is caught by a woman in a fashionable West End store. She is young beautiful and classy. And she is shoplifting.
In a moment of gallantry, Sharman saves her from the indignity of being caught. The next thing he knows Elizabeth Pike is his client. One evening a few weeks before, her father, multimillionaire Sir Robert Pike, took his old service revolver and blew a hole in his head. Now the battle is on for control of his massive media empire. And someone is out to get his illegitimate daughter Catherine, a lovely young Australian with a chequered past. So Sharman has two women to protect. But from whom?
As Sharman swaps the grimy streets of south London for the glamour and glitz of Mayfair, it soon becomes apparent that what lurks beneath the surface is as slimy and sleazy as anything he's encountered in Brixton. And twice as dangerous...


No Exit Press




ca. 188





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