Learning Pixelmator

Enhance your photos effectively and unleash the artist inside, with Pixelmator

Mark Stagi

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „Learning Pixelmator“

Today, everybody has a digital camera, but how do you turn your pictures into masterpieces? With Pixelmator, you will be able to edit your photos like a pro and get that artistic, professional feel to your images."Learning Pixelmator" will teach you how to use Pixelmator to turn your everyday snapshots into works of art. With an example-based approach, you will learn how to use each tool effectively to create, edit, or enhance your photos. It is for everyone that wants to get started with Pixelmator. "Learning Pixelmator" guide's you through a series of real-world tutorials to artistically edit your photos from start to finish. Starting with simple corrections, you will move onto advanced image editing techniques like creating a tilt-shift look from a photo, performing skin retouching on a portraits, and colorizing your images for an artistic tone. Covering topics such as using layers to create multi-image layouts and how to use text and shapes to embellish your images. With Learning Pixelmator you will learn everything you need to know to create works of art from your everyday photos. With the skills you will learn from this book the sky will be no limit with your digital photography!


Packt Publishing




ca. 73





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