Learning RStudio for R Statistical Computing

Learning RStudio for R Statistical Computing

Mark P. J. van der Loo Edwin de Jonge

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „Learning RStudio for R Statistical Computing“

Data is coming at us faster, dirtier, and at an ever increasing rate. The necessity to handle many, complex statistical analysis projects is hitting statisticians and analysts across the globe. This book will show you how to deal with it like never before, thus providing an edge and improving productivity.
"Learning RStudio for R Statistical Computing" will teach you how to quickly and efficiently create and manage statistical analysis projects, import data, develop R scripts, and generate reports and graphics. R developers will learn about package development, coding principles, and version control with RStudio.
This book will help you to learn and understand RStudio features to effectively perform statistical analysis and reporting, code editing, and R development.
The book starts with a quick introduction where you will learn to load data, perform simple analysis, plot a graph, and generate automatic reports. You will then be able to explore the available features for effective coding, graphical analysis, R project management, report generation, and even project management.
"Learning RStudio for R Statistical Computing" is stuffed with feature-rich and easy-to-understand examples, through step-by-step instructions helping you to quickly master the most popular IDE for R development.


Packt Publishing




ca. 96





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