Marion Harland's Autobiography

The Story of a Long Life

Marion Harland

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Beschreibung zu „Marion Harland's Autobiography“

Marion Harland's Autobiography provides readers with a captivating glimpse into the life and experiences of the author, written in a candid and engaging literary style. Harland's personal accounts are interspersed with reflections on the cultural and societal norms of her time, offering readers a window into the 19th-century America. Through vivid storytelling and introspection, Harland guides readers through her journey of personal growth and challenges, making the book a compelling read for those interested in autobiographical works from historical figures. Marion Harland, a prolific writer and household name during her time, drew on her extensive experience as a journalist and author to pen this insightful autobiography. Born Mary Virginia Hawes in 1830, Harland went on to become a prominent figure in American literature, blending domestic advice with fiction and social commentary in her works. Her autobiography serves as a testament to her literary prowess and enduring legacy. I highly recommend Marion Harland's Autobiography to readers interested in exploring the life and works of a trailblazing literary figure from the 19th century. Through Harland's candid storytelling and valuable insights, readers are sure to gain a deeper appreciation for her contributions to literature and society at large.


Good Press




ca. 445





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