The Life Everlasting

A Reality of Romance

Marie Corelli

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Beschreibung zu „The Life Everlasting“

Marie Corelli's 'The Life Everlasting' is a masterpiece that delves deep into the supernatural and spiritual realms. Written in a lyrical and poetic style, Corelli transports readers to a world where love, redemption, and the afterlife intersect. This novel challenges conventional religious beliefs and offers a unique perspective on the power of faith and the existence of life beyond death. Corelli's vivid descriptions and intricate storytelling make 'The Life Everlasting' a captivating and thought-provoking read, perfect for those interested in exploring mystical themes in literature. Set in the late 19th century, the book reflects Corelli's own fascination with esotericism and the occult, drawing inspiration from her personal experiences and beliefs. As a prolific Victorian author known for her controversial ideas and captivating storytelling, Corelli brings a fresh and imaginative take on spirituality in 'The Life Everlasting'. I highly recommend this book to readers looking for a thought-provoking and enchanting journey through the mysteries of life, death, and beyond.


Good Press




ca. 370





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