150 Self-Publishing Questions Answered

ALLi's Writing, Publishing, and Book Marketing Tips for Indie Authors and Poets

Alliance of Independent Authors Orna A. Ross M.L. Ronn

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Beschreibung zu „150 Self-Publishing Questions Answered“

Do you have self-publishing questions that you can’t seem to find the answer to? We’re here to help.

It has never been easier to publish a book, but with so many options, it can be hard to know whether writing advice is good or bad.

Your Self-Publishing Questions Answered is based on overwhelming data & analytics: 1,000+ questions from our author members, 2000+ ALLi blog articles, 400 ALLi podcast episodes, our 24/365 Facebook community where members ask questions daily, and input from our world-class advisors from every corner of the publishing industry.

There’s no question that ALLi hasn’t seen. In fact, this book answers questions you may not have thought about yet.

In an engaging question & answer format, you’ll learn how to:

- Sell more books effortlessly
- Design bestselling covers
- Win the war against writer’s block
- Edit your book till it shines
- Improve your marketing and sales

And more, including a resource section with 75+ resources to help you keep learning and building on the information.

The advice in this book is best practice as honed by the experiences of our members and the thousands of authors–novelists, nonfiction writers and poets –who visit ALLi’s Self-Publishing Advice Centre each month.

We’re the only non-profit organization for self-published writers doing this kind of work.

If you’re ready to become a savvier author, grab 150 Self-Publishing Questions Answered, and let ALLi show you how to turn your imagination into income.






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