The Evolution of Modern Orchestration

Louis Adolphe Coerne

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Beschreibung zu „The Evolution of Modern Orchestration“

Louis Adolphe Coerne's groundbreaking book, 'The Evolution of Modern Orchestration,' delves deep into the intricacies of orchestration, exploring the development of techniques and styles used in composing for orchestra. Coerne meticulously examines the evolution of orchestration from the classical period to the modern era, providing in-depth analysis of notable works and their innovative orchestral arrangements. With a keen eye for detail, Coerne highlights the importance of instrumentation and timbre in shaping the sound of orchestral music, making this book essential for any aspiring composer or music enthusiast. His clear and concise writing style makes complex concepts accessible, while his profound knowledge of music history lends credibility to his insightful observations. This book serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the evolution of orchestration in Western classical music. Louis Adolphe Coerne's expertise in music theory and composition shines through in 'The Evolution of Modern Orchestration,' making it a must-read for music scholars and orchestral composers alike.


Good Press




ca. 261





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