Hear My Prayer

Learning from the Faith of Elijah—A 6-Week Bible Study

Liz Ditty

Religiöse Ratgeber

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Beschreibung zu „Hear My Prayer“

Does prayer matter?
What we believe about prayer reflects what we believe about God. Maybe you believe God is all-powerful and wise, but not attentive to your little corner of the world? Fortunately, the Bible tells us a different story. Over and over again, we are reminded that God is both great and good, and that we are cared for and fully known by him. So God welcomes all our prayers and invites us to pray about everything—to entrust him with all things both big and small, joyful and enraging, and to pray fervently.
Whether you consider yourself a prayer warrior or prayer newbie (or even a prayer skeptic), you are invited to join this six-week Bible study experience. Liz Ditty, an experienced spiritual director and retreat leader, invites groups and individuals to experience dozens of ways to pray alone and together. As she engages the story of Elijah and his encounters with God, she guides us toward less awkward, more authentic prayer.
A New Bible Study Experience From IVP
These Bible studies offer you a fresh opportunity to engage with Scripture. Each study includes:

- weekly sessions for a group of any size
- access to weekly teaching videos
- five days of individual study and reflection each weekThe refreshing, accessible, and insightful content from trusted Bible teachers will encourage you in your faith!


IVP Bible Studies




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