White as Snow

Lilja Sigurdardóttir

Hörbuch Romane Thriller

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Beschreibung zu „White as Snow“

On a snowy winter morning, an abandoned shipping container is discovered near Reykjavík. Inside are the bodies of five young women - one of them barely alive. As Icelandic Police detective Daníel struggles to investigate the most brutal crime of his career, Áróra looks into the background of a suspicious man, who turns out to be engaged to Daníel's former wife, and the connections don't stop there . . . Daníel and Áróra's cases pit them both against ruthless criminals with horrifying agendas, while Áróra persists with her search for her missing sister, Ísafold, whose devastating disappearance continues to haunt her. As the temperature drops and the 24-hour darkness and freezing snow hamper their efforts, their investigations become increasingly dangerous . . . for everyone.

Gelesen von:

Colleen Prendergast


Isis Audio




7 Std. 29 Min.





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