Mary S. Peake: The Colored Teacher at Fortress Monroe

Lewis C. Lockwood

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Beschreibung zu „Mary S. Peake: The Colored Teacher at Fortress Monroe“

In Lewis C. Lockwood's book, 'Mary S. Peake: The Colored Teacher at Fortress Monroe,' readers are taken on a detailed exploration of the life and impact of Mary S. Peake, a pioneering African American educator. Lockwood's writing style is insightful and engaging, providing historical context of racial injustices and educational disparities during the Civil War era. Through meticulous research and vivid storytelling, Lockwood highlights Peake's dedication to education and her significant role in establishing the first school for African Americans in Hampton, Virginia. The book sheds light on Peake's resilience and unwavering commitment to the advancement of her students, despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles. Lockwood skillfully weaves together primary sources and personal accounts to paint a vivid portrait of Peake's remarkable life and legacy. Readers will gain a deeper understanding of the important contributions of African American educators like Mary S. Peake in shaping the landscape of education in America. 'Mary S. Peake: The Colored Teacher at Fortress Monroe' is a must-read for those interested in African American history, education, and social justice.


Good Press




ca. 25





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