Class Murder

A nail-biting crime thriller packed with suspense

Leigh Russell


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Beschreibung zu „Class Murder“

The tenth DI Geraldine Steel mystery
Geraldine Steel is back for her tenth case. Reunited in York with her former sergeant, Ian Peterson, she discovers that her tendency to bend the rules has consequences. The tables have turned, and now he's the boss.
When two people are murdered, their only connection lies buried in the past.
As police search for the elusive killer, another body is discovered.
Pursuing her first investigation in York, Geraldine struggles to solve the confusing case.
How can she expose the killer, and rescue her shattered reputation, when all the witnesses are being murdered?
With so many potential victims to choose from, there would be many deaths.
He was spoiled for choice, really, but he was determined to take his time and select his targets carefully.
Only by controlling his feelings could he maintain his success. He smiled to himself. If he was clever, he would never have to stop.
And he was clever. He was very clever. Far too clever to be caught.
'Thrillingly written'Ben Macnair, NB Magazine


No Exit Press




ca. 301





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