A Journey to Katmandu (the Capital of Napaul), with the Camp of Jung Bahadoor

Including a Sketch of the Nepaulese Ambassador at Home

Laurence Oliphant

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Beschreibung zu „A Journey to Katmandu (the Capital of Napaul), with the Camp of Jung Bahadoor“

Laurence Oliphant's 'A Journey to Katmandu' provides a fascinating account of his travels to the capital of Nepal, offering readers a vivid portrayal of the city's customs and culture. Written in a descriptive and engaging style, Oliphant's narrative is rich in detail, providing a glimpse into the exotic and mysterious world of 19th-century Nepal. The book blends elements of travelogue and adventure, making it a compelling read for those interested in exploring distant lands. Oliphant's vivid descriptions and keen observations bring the Nepalese landscape and people to life, immersing readers in a foreign yet captivating setting. Within the context of colonial exploration and Orientalism, 'A Journey to Katmandu' offers valuable insights into the European perception of the East and the exotic Other. Laurence Oliphant, a prolific writer and traveler, drew on his own experiences and observations to craft this unique travel narrative. His background as a diplomat and journalist equipped him with the skills necessary to navigate the complexities of intercultural encounters, shaping the insightful perspective reflected in his work. Recommended for readers interested in travel literature, cultural exploration, and historical perspectives on colonial encounters.


Good Press




ca. 153





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