India's Love Lyrics

Laurence Hope

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Beschreibung zu „India's Love Lyrics“

Laurence Hope's 'India's Love Lyrics' is a collection of romantic and melancholic poems that capture the essence of love and longing in Indian culture. Written in a poetic and lyrical style, the verses delve into themes of passion, desire, and heartbreak, painting a vivid picture of traditional Indian romance. Hope's work reflects the literary context of the late 19th and early 20th centuries when Western fascination with the East was at its peak, resulting in a blend of Orientalist themes and Western poetic sensibilities. Each poem is a glimpse into the beauty and complexity of love in Indian society, making it a valuable contribution to the world of poetry. Laurence Hope, a pseudonym for Adela Florence Nicolson, drew inspiration from her experiences in British India to create these evocative poems, infusing them with a unique perspective on Indian culture and emotions. 'India's Love Lyrics' is recommended for readers who appreciate finely crafted poetry that explores the nuances of love across different cultures and time periods.


Good Press




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