Japanese Military's "Comfort Women" System

Larry Niksch

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Beschreibung zu „Japanese Military's "Comfort Women" System“

In 'Japanese Military's 'Comfort Women' System', Larry Niksch presents a detailed and scholarly examination of the dark history of the comfort women system during the Japanese occupation of various Asian countries. Niksch's writing style is meticulous and well-researched, providing a comprehensive account of the heinous treatment of women during wartime. The book delves into the cultural and historical context that allowed such atrocities to occur, shedding light on an often overlooked aspect of World War II history. Niksch's analysis makes a significant contribution to our understanding of the long-lasting impact of the comfort women system. Readers can expect a deeply insightful and thought-provoking read. Larry Niksch, a renowned expert on East Asian affairs, brings his expertise to bear in this important work. His background in the subject matter gives the book credibility and authority, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the history of Asia or gender studies. 'Japanese Military's 'Comfort Women' System' is a crucial piece of scholarship that demands attention and remembrance of the victims of this tragic chapter in history.


Good Press




ca. 33





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