Jewish Portraits

Lady Katie Magnus

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Beschreibung zu „Jewish Portraits“

Lady Katie Magnus's 'Jewish Portraits' is a compelling collection of short stories that delve into the lives and experiences of individuals within the Jewish community. Magnus's literary style is characterized by vivid descriptions, intriguing character developments, and a keen eye for emotional depth. Set against the backdrop of early 20th century Europe, the stories in this book provide a snapshot of Jewish life during a tumultuous period in history. Themes of identity, faith, and resilience are expertly woven into each narrative, making this book a must-read for those interested in exploring the complexities of cultural and religious heritage. Lady Katie Magnus's intimate knowledge of Jewish history and tradition shines through in her storytelling, offering readers a glimpse into a world rich with tradition and struggle. Through 'Jewish Portraits', Magnus pays homage to the diverse voices within the Jewish community and invites readers to reflect on the universal human experiences that unite us all.


Good Press




ca. 115





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