A Pale Moon Reverie: Volume 3

Kuji Furumiya


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Beschreibung zu „A Pale Moon Reverie: Volume 3“

“To you, I devote my love in its entirety.”

The contract between a human and a god reaches its conclusion in this finale volume of A Pale Moon Reverie!

Fine wine, music, and warmth. These are the three sacred offerings the pleasure town of Irede dedicates to its god.

Since time immemorial, Irede has remained free of the fires of international conflict, indifferent to the changing of other nations’ borders. Yet the clouds of war are now drifting across the entire continent, threatening to leave none untouched.

In this town of brilliance and color, where powers clash, each to their own motive, Xixu fights in the shadows to protect Sari and her beloved home. Meanwhile, Sari firms her resolve: she will choose her guest—the only one she will take in her lifetime.

Predestined fate stands in our protagonists’ way, demanding to be overturned. What will be the conclusion to this tale of myth and humanity?


J-Novel Club




ca. 302





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