Gobbelino London & a Collision of Catastrophes

Kim M. Watt

Hörbuch Romane Fantasy

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Beschreibung zu „Gobbelino London & a Collision of Catastrophes“

We hadn't planned a return to Leeds. But our friend Gerry is missing, and we've got to find him. Never mind the fact that anyone who can take out a troll is operating way above our pay grade. It doesn't take long to discover a missing troll is the least of our worries. Leeds has blown straight past dicey and into end times. The necromancers are back, and this time it's not just a few cats they want dead. It's everyone. So if we want any chance of life as we know it to continue, we need to stop them as well as save Gerry. Easy, right? We only have to get past Callum's dodgy family, my dodgy past, hopped-up magic-workers, feral weres, shady magicians, and the ever-present, ever-treacherous Watch.

Gelesen von:

Paul Tyreman


Isis Audio




11 Std. 59 Min.





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