All Out of Leeds

Kim M. Watt

Hörbuch Romane Fantasy

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Beschreibung zu „All Out of Leeds“

DI Adams fled London to escape bridge-dwelling monsters and magical toasties - a one-time experience she's in no hurry to repeat. She's police, not some cryptid hunter. Leeds has other plans, though. Tasked with the seemingly mundane case of a missing necklace, Adams soon realises she's stumbled into something inexplicable. The trinket is dangerous, and she's the only one who recognises it for what it is - a weapon that could tear the North apart. Juggling unhelpful colleagues, amnesiac witnesses, and problematic women of a certain age, Adams plunges into the treacherous, magic-soaked streets of Leeds. She may not have backup, but at least she has the invisible, caffeine-addicted dog by her side. Plus a duck. And a very big stick. She's got this. She has to. Because there's no one else who can. . .

Gelesen von:

Jane Ajia


Isis Audio




8 Std. 36 Min.





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