Uncertain Past

Ken Casper Roz Denny Fox


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Beschreibung zu „Uncertain Past“

Return to Caddo Lake
Uncertain Fate - Ken Casper
Uncertain Past - Roz Denny Fox
Uncertain Future - Eve Gaddy
Book Two: The Return to Caddo Lake Trilogy
Caddo Lake has finally revealed the bones. Nineteen years ago,
Emmy's foster mother disappeared, tearing their fragile family apart. After years of lonely wandering, Emmy returns to Uncertain, Texas to support her foster brother Jed, who's been accused of the murder, and solve another mystery from the past--finding the biological mother who abandoned her.

Riley Gray, her teenage love and now a successful attorney, is the only person who can help her. The old sparks quickly reignite. The romance is as irresistible as before. They never stopped loving each other. But someone wants Emmy to stop asking questions, and is willing to threaten not only Riley but his young daughter, too.

Roz Denny Fox, (also known as Roz Denny) is the author of more than fifty romance novels. Part of her love for writing came in moving around with her husband during his tenure in the Marine Corps and after that as a telephone engineer. The richness of various cities and diversity in friendships make crafting stories about everyday people a pleasure. Visit Roz at www.Korynna.com/RozFox

Über Ken Casper

Ken Casper is the author of more than 25 novels, short stories, and articles. Born and raised in New York City, Ken is now a transplanted Texan. He and his wife, Mary, own a horse farm in San Angelo. Along with their two dogs, six cats, and eight horses--at last count!--they board and breed horses. Mary's a therapeutic riding instructor for the handicapped.


Bell Bridge Books




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