True Companions Study Guide

Five Sessions on How to Show Up in Your Most Important Relationships

Kelly Flanagan

Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „True Companions Study Guide“

How do we cultivate the life-long relationships we are longing for, whether within marriage or friendship?
In his book True Companions, psychologist Kelly Flanagan shows how each of us can enjoy the deeply satisfying, transformational love of companionship. He shows us how self-knowledge leads the way to growing in love for both God and others. He shows us how understanding our own loneliness can help us relieve the pressure on our companions. And he shows us how understanding our own psychological and emotional defenses can help us to make the choice to love more vulnerably.
In this five-session companion study guide, groups, couples, and individuals will learn how to show up in our most important relationships. Anyone—from single young adults to elderly married couples, from the divorced to the widowed, from siblings to friends—can benefit from the wisdom it uncovers about what it means to be human and to be true companions.






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