Your Heart is your purpose

Kai Pfrommer

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Beschreibung zu „Your Heart is your purpose“

It is not always easy to find the right path of life in order to avoid some of the obstacles. Often we blindly and unconsciously steer through the difficult-to-digest everyday life - with both its good and bad moments. Forget the compass, however, and listen to your heart! This book not only tells the story from the stimulating point of view of the aspiring author in childhood and adulthood, but also puts the deep bond with his stepson on the stage of life. A strong bond that has had to grow and will continue to grow. The emotional facets of the hidden happiness are yet to be found. Join in this quest and become aware of how beautifully life can "sing".

Gelesen von:

William Landry


GD Publishing




3 Std. 22 Min.





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