The Prophet

Khalil Gibran

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Beschreibung zu „The Prophet“

The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran - Kahlil Gibran published "The Prophet" in 1923 and saw immediate success, but its real popularity came after his death.Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet is full of religious inspirations.The Prophet has been translated into forty languages throughout the world and is considered the most widely read book of the twentieth century. Its first edition of 1300 copies sold out within a month.

There is a wise man Almustafa ,who is about to set sail for his homeland after 12 years in exile in a fictional island. The people of the island asked many questions on different subjects. The book is quite autobiographical ,as many people come to Kahlil , leaving the church for his advice. He guided them but never pretended to be a saint or some elevated soul.

The prophet answers questions asked by men and women, priest and priestess, judge and lawyers, youth and teacher, mason on various topics such as love, marriage, children, houses ,religion, work, freedom , death and many other modern issues . The prophet answers them all wisely.

"The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran is a majestic work of prose written in poetry. It is one of the best sellers in the world, which has been translated into more than 50 languages. It has been sold more than 10 million copies since its publication. The book may be considered as a spiritual book, but in real- modern life issues are discussed in a simple and captivating way.

Über Khalil Gibran

Khalil Gibran, geboren 1883 im libanesischen Becharré, war ein libanesisch-amerikanischer Maler, Philosoph und Dichter. Die zentralen Motive seiner Dichtung und seines philosophischen Denkens kreisen um die Idee, dass das Leben, die Liebe und der Tod das Wesentliche für uns Menschen sein sollen. Sein Werk wird als Bindeglied der philosophischen Richtungen des Orients, zum Beispiel des Sufismus, und der westlichen, durch das Christentum beeinflussten Philosophien gesehen.

Von Khalil Gibran ...

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