Fake Saint of the Year: You Wanted the Perfect Saint? Too Bad! Volume 3



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Beschreibung zu „Fake Saint of the Year: You Wanted the Perfect Saint? Too Bad! Volume 3“

With the royals off his back, Fudou Niito is finally free to focus on his main goal: getting rid of the witch to make sure his favorite waifu and the rest of the cast of Kuon no Sanka can finally enjoy a happy ending.

Everything seems to be going according to plan at first. He’s gathered seven of the magic academy’s finest students (plus one creepy teacher) and armed them to fight the witch. But right when he’s about to put his scheme into action and send Verner and others down to the basement...his beloved Eterna suddenly goes missing!

Thankfully, a trip to the neighboring pond and a little help from Profeta, the clairvoyant turtle, is all Niito needs to find her. He rescues his waifu without a hitch, but there’s just one teensy-weensy complication—Eterna has finally awakened as the saint! What’s Niito to do now that there are two saints in town?!


J-Novel Club




ca. 210





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