Recollections of a Long Life

John Stoughton

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Beschreibung zu „Recollections of a Long Life“

In 'Recollections of a Long Life' by John Stoughton, the reader is taken on a journey through the author's personal experiences and insights spanning a significant portion of his life. Stoughton's writing style is reflective and introspective, providing readers with a glimpse into the past while also offering a critical analysis of societal norms and values of the time. This autobiographical account is written in a clear and compelling manner, making it an engaging read for those interested in historical narratives and personal reflections. Stoughton's recollections give readers a vivid picture of the society he lived in, shedding light on the challenges and triumphs he faced throughout his lifetime. The book offers a valuable perspective on a bygone era, inviting readers to contemplate the timeless themes of identity, legacy, and human resilience.


Good Press




ca. 232





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