An Expedition to the South-Eastward of Perth, Western Australia

John Septimus Roe.

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Beschreibung zu „An Expedition to the South-Eastward of Perth, Western Australia“

In 'An Expedition to the South-Eastward of Perth, Western Australia', John Septimus Roe recounts his exploration of the uncharted territory of Western Australia with detailed observations of the landscape, flora, and fauna. His writing style is straightforward and informative, reflecting the scientific approach of the early 19th-century explorers. The book provides valuable insights into the Australian environment and indigenous cultures, making it a significant contribution to the field of Australian exploration literature. Roe's meticulous documentation of the expedition showcases his dedication to mapping and understanding the unknown regions of his time. This narrative serves as a primary source for scholars studying early Australian exploration and colonization. John Septimus Roe, a renowned surveyor and explorer, embarked on this expedition to fulfill his duties as Surveyor General of Western Australia. His firsthand experience and expertise in surveying and mapping influenced the accuracy and detail of his descriptions in the book. 'An Expedition to the South-Eastward of Perth, Western Australia' is recommended for readers interested in Australian history, exploration literature, and indigenous studies.


Good Press




ca. 80





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