How Hartman Won. A Story of Old Ontario

John Price-Brown

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Beschreibung zu „How Hartman Won. A Story of Old Ontario“

In 'How Hartman Won. A Story of Old Ontario' by John Price-Brown, readers are immersed in the rich literary context of Old Ontario, where the story unfolds. The book presents a detailed account of the complexities of early Ontario society, filled with descriptive prose that brings the historical setting to life. Price-Brown's narrative style seamlessly weaves together elements of adventure, intrigue, and romance, making it a captivating read for those interested in historical fiction. John Price-Brown, with his background in Canadian history and literature, offers readers a unique perspective on the past through 'How Hartman Won.' His deep understanding of the time period and the intricacies of societal norms allows him to craft a compelling story that resonates with readers interested in Canadian heritage. For enthusiasts of historical fiction and those intrigued by the history of Ontario, 'How Hartman Won. A Story of Old Ontario' is a must-read. Price-Brown's expertise shines through in this engaging narrative, making it a valuable addition to any reader's bookshelf.


Good Press




ca. 211





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