A Maid of the Silver Sea

John Oxenham

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Beschreibung zu „A Maid of the Silver Sea“

John Oxenham's 'A Maid of the Silver Sea' is a captivating tale of love, loss, and redemption set against the backdrop of the sea. The lyrical prose and vivid descriptions bring to life the coastal setting and the inner turmoil of the characters. The book belongs to the genre of romantic fiction, with a touch of adventure and mystery that keeps the reader engaged till the last page. Its exploration of human emotions and the power of love makes it a timeless piece of literature. As you delve into the pages of this book, you will find yourself transported to a world where the sea holds both beauty and danger, mirroring the complexities of human relationships. The symbolism and imagery used by Oxenham add depth to the narrative, making it a compelling read for those who appreciate both literary quality and emotional depth. 'A Maid of the Silver Sea' is a must-read for fans of romantic fiction looking for a novel that combines beautiful writing and a poignant storyline.


Good Press




ca. 238





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