A Bitter Heritage

A Modern Story of Love and Adventure

John Bloundelle-Burton

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Beschreibung zu „A Bitter Heritage“

In John Bloundelle-Burton's novel 'A Bitter Heritage,' readers are transported to the late 19th century British India, where political intrigue, romance, and betrayal unfold in a vivid and engaging narrative. Bloundelle-Burton's literary style is marked by detailed descriptions of colonial life and complex character development, creating a rich tapestry that immerses the reader in the exotic setting of the British Raj. The novel's exploration of the tensions between the colonial rulers and the native population adds depth to the story and offers a nuanced portrayal of power dynamics during that time period. 'A Bitter Heritage' stands out as a historical novel that combines elements of adventure, romance, and social commentary, making it a compelling read for fans of period fiction. John Bloundelle-Burton, a colonial administrator himself, drew on his firsthand experiences in India to write this novel, infusing it with authenticity and a deep understanding of the cultural and political landscape of the time. His background brings a unique perspective to the story, shedding light on the complexities of British colonial rule and its impact on both the rulers and the ruled. I highly recommend 'A Bitter Heritage' to readers interested in historical fiction that delves into the intricacies of colonial relationships and the human dramas that unfold within them.


Good Press




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