Creation Myths of Primitive America

In relation to the Religious History and Mental Development of Mankind

Jeremiah Curtin

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Beschreibung zu „Creation Myths of Primitive America“

In 'Creation Myths of Primitive America' by Jeremiah Curtin, the reader is taken on a literary journey through the rich tapestry of Native American folklore. Curtin expertly compiles and analyzes various creation myths from different tribes, offering readers a glimpse into the spiritual beliefs and cultural values of indigenous peoples. His writing style is both lyrical and informative, making the stories accessible to a wide audience. The book provides valuable insights into the oral traditions of Native American communities and their unique perspectives on the origins of the world. Curtin's work sheds light on the power of storytelling in preserving cultural heritage and passing down knowledge through generations. By exploring these myths, readers gain a deeper understanding of the diverse cultures that existed in North America prior to European colonization. 'Creation Myths of Primitive America' is a must-read for anyone interested in mythology, folklore, and indigenous studies, offering a captivating glimpse into the spiritual world of Native American peoples.


Good Press




ca. 398





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