Dear Enemy

Jean Webster

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Beschreibung zu „Dear Enemy“

Jean Webster's novel 'Dear Enemy' is a captivating epistolary work that follows the story of Sallie McBride, a young woman who unexpectedly finds herself in charge of an orphanage. Through Sallie's letters to her friend Judy, the reader is taken on a journey filled with humor, heartwarming moments, and social commentary. Written in a light-hearted and engaging tone, 'Dear Enemy' provides a unique perspective on the challenges faced by orphanages in the early 20th century. The novel's unconventional narrative style and witty dialogue make it a delightful and thought-provoking read. Jean Webster's writing showcases her talent for blending social critique with humor and compassion, making 'Dear Enemy' a timeless classic in American literature. The author's own experiences as a social worker and her passion for advocating for children's rights undoubtedly influenced the creation of this novel. I highly recommend 'Dear Enemy' to readers who enjoy engaging storytelling, sharp wit, and thought-provoking themes.


Good Press




ca. 197





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